International Day of Families

15 May 2021

International Day of Families

Focusing on sustainable development to protect your family’s future generations.

Did you know there are 17 United Nations Sustainable Development goals?

Can you name all 17? How about naming 10? 5? If you guessed that one of them might have something to do with climate change, then you would be right.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provided a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet and at its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Climate Action is Sustainable Development Goal number 13.

You can see the full list of SDG’s here: or watch this video.

The Sustainable Development Goals are noble and needed; but while international organisations and Governments’ pledge to achieve these goals, around the world it will be the local communities, families, and individuals like you and me who will make the difference to whether we actually achieve these goals or not.

Which brings me nicely to May 15th, which is the United Nations International Families Day. A day in which the diversity and inclusiveness of today’s modern family is celebrated.

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So why not celebrate International Families Day by doing something with your family on May 15th that contributes to making a difference to any one of the 17 SDG’s. Perhaps the easiest Sustainable Development Goal to choose is Climate Action.

And if you are thinking “what difference will I make?” – Then you are right, if nobody did anything then nothing will change.

However, if every car owning family in the UK drove 10 miles less this week, it would save 91,000 tonnes of CO2 being emitted.

Every family giving up meat for one night could save up to 74,000 tonnes of CO2 being emitted.

Just those two small steps would make a huge impact on global warming. Now imagine if you repeated the same actions every week.

So, the small contribution you and your family make on May 15th could have a huge impact on the way we live in the future.

Read more on the UN website –

Finally, take some time to watch this great short film, made for the UN by Richard Curtis:


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